40 is an age I somehow always aspired to. If you ever asked me my favourite age, I would have said 40! It symbolized wisdom and grace. Now that I have turned 40, I realize it also comes with its journey and experience. Here are 40 life lessons at 40 I have picked on theContinue reading 40 Life Lessons at 40
Eid at Home: How to Make the Best of Eid-ul-Fitr 2020
The year 2020 has not really been what any of us anticipated! Reality or understatement? Actually both! Nothing went as planned and lots of plans went out the window. We have all had to change our life style and practice social distancing due to COVID-19. Today let’s talk about Eid-ul-Fitr 2020, and how we canContinue reading Eid at Home: How to Make the Best of Eid-ul-Fitr 2020 →
Eid Gifts: Ideas for Gifts That can be Mailed!
This year Eid will be different than any we have celebrated over the years. With most of us practicing social distancing we will not be able to visit the mosque for Eid prayers, have family over for brunch or go visit our friends. I have an idea though to bring back an old tradition toContinue reading Eid Gifts: Ideas for Gifts That can be Mailed! →
How to Make 3D Pop-Up Eid Cards
Eid will be different this year! We won’t be able to meet our family and friends but how about we send them eid greeting cards to spread the joy and happiness of Eid? Let me share some ideas on how to make 3D pop-up eid cards. They are lots of fun especially when you makeContinue reading How to Make 3D Pop-Up Eid Cards →
How to Get Kids Interested in Daily Prayers and Namaz
There are many challenges that parents face raising their children into good humans and practicing muslims. One of the big ones is how to get kids interested in daily prayers and namaz. When I was growing up in Pakistan, my dadi taught us how to say namaz and my nani taught all us siblings howContinue reading How to Get Kids Interested in Daily Prayers and Namaz →
The Ultimate List of Free Ramadan Printables for Kids
I used the word “ultimate” because maybe I spend all my awake hours with a five-year-old old…still this is a pretty decent list of free Ramadan printables for kids that we have been enjoying for the past few days. All you need is a printer, paper, crayons, colouring pencils and scissors to enjoy these activitiesContinue reading The Ultimate List of Free Ramadan Printables for Kids →
Ramadan Decorations: Ideas, Free Resources and Recommendations
Let’s talk Ramadan decorations today. We love setting up a little corner in our house every year. It really helps children get in the mood and make Ramadan special for them. You do not need to buy new products every year. You can repurpose stuff you already have in the house such as lanterns andContinue reading Ramadan Decorations: Ideas, Free Resources and Recommendations →
Ramadan Treat Bags for Kids
Ramadan is coming! My childhood preps for Ramadan were waiting for the moon sighting, listening to the 99 names of Allah on TV and loving the sehris and iftari together with family! Times have changed and I want to set down some traditions for my children to get in the spirit of the month byContinue reading Ramadan Treat Bags for Kids →
Our Engagement and Imam Zamin Ceremony Pictures Revisited
There is a social media challenge going around to share the first picture with your partner. As I looked for a picture of Jaffar and I back from June 2008 on Facebook, I came across our engagement and imam zamin ceremony pictures. They brought back many emotions: nostalgia for people and days gone, regret forContinue reading Our Engagement and Imam Zamin Ceremony Pictures Revisited →
How to do Intermittent Fasting: My Experience, Tips and Resources
Intermittent fasting is an ancient method that has been around for centuries and is now making a come back! You might want to try intermittent fasting for weight-loss, weight-control or a healthier life style. Here are all my tips on how to do intermittent fasting successfully. Advantages of Intermittent Fasting I started intermittent fasting fromContinue reading How to do Intermittent Fasting: My Experience, Tips and Resources →