Happy Ramadan. Ramzan Mubarik. Ramadan Kareem! It’s the most special time of the year for Muslim families and I’m sharing all new resources, tips and ideas for Ramadan 2025! First up, if you haven’t already sign up for the FREE Noor Kids Ramadan Camp that happens online every night during Ramadan. Yes parents, you heardContinue reading Ramadan 2025: New Resources, Tips and Ideas for Muslim Parents!
Guest Etiquettes When Visiting Someone
I never realized that my Guest Etiquettes series on Instagram will attract the viral attention that it did. Most important are the conversations that are happening through comments and shares as people share their own experiences. Turns out this topic definitely needs to be discussed more! I shared tips for visiting with kids a fewContinue reading Guest Etiquettes When Visiting Someone →
Benefits of Volunteering in Canada Especially as a New Immigrant
I fully realized the benefits of volunteering after moving to Canada. As a new immigrant, (although I was well-qualified in Pakistan) I didn’t have Canadian work experience, references or education. Volunteering helped me develop connections, an understanding of the work environment and learn new skills. Most importantly it’s a great way to give back. EvenContinue reading Benefits of Volunteering in Canada Especially as a New Immigrant →
7 Unhealthy Habits in South Asian Families
As a South Asian, there are many things we are proud of: our cuisine, family values and traditions. Every South Asian conversation starts and ends with food. The running joke is that even if South Asians are planning a hike, food is at the top of the priority list! While that’s all great for funContinue reading 7 Unhealthy Habits in South Asian Families →
Mental Health Awareness: My Journey with Anxiety
I shared my story for mental health awareness a couple of years ago on World Mental Health Day, as a series of three posts. Compiling them in one blog post, since I get the request to share this story often. I’m a 40-year-old, who has been in a longterm relationship with anxiety. I took counsellingContinue reading Mental Health Awareness: My Journey with Anxiety →
Kamli Film Review by Ammie
I asked Ammie to do a Kamli film review, because she watched it in Pakistan and I’m still waiting for a release in Canada. So Ammie, or Bibi (as most of you know her), wrote down this review for you all. So over to Ammie (it’s in her own conversational style): Kamli film review byContinue reading Kamli Film Review by Ammie →
Eating and Living Healthier: How can South Asians Incorporate More Vegetables in their Diets
South Asians have a higher risk factor for type 2 diabetes which makes them more susceptible to heart disease and strokes. Let’s admit it, we are meat lovers and don’t incorporate as many vegetables in our everyday life as we could. Good nutrition and exercise are cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle for everyone, not justContinue reading Eating and Living Healthier: How can South Asians Incorporate More Vegetables in their Diets →
New Year’s Eve Activities with Kids at Home
This year too, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be spending new year’s eve at home. This is important to stay safe, however, it can be boring for the kids. Sharing some fun ideas for new year’s eve activities with kids at home. These will make new year’s eve memorable as a family. NewContinue reading New Year’s Eve Activities with Kids at Home →
Etiquette of Receiving Gifts: The Do’s and Don’ts
Usually people talk about the rules of giving gifts. Those are definitely important but so are the proper manners of receiving gifts. In this post I would like to discuss the etiquette of receiving gifts. 1. Use the gift If possible try and use the gift and share with the receiver so that they canContinue reading Etiquette of Receiving Gifts: The Do’s and Don’ts →
Ramadan Boxes: Some Ideas to Make Them Sustainable
Sharing Ramadan boxes full of gifts, food and drinks is a lovely tradition in Muslim families. When I was younger and lived in Pakistan, we used to receive Ramzan trays, laid with bowls of delicious cooking and covered by a cloth. They were returned, filled with food and drinks on the next day, in exchange.Continue reading Ramadan Boxes: Some Ideas to Make Them Sustainable →