I shared my story for mental health awareness a couple of years ago on World Mental Health Day, as a series of three posts. Compiling them in one blog post, since I get the request to share this story often. I’m a 40-year-old, who has been in a longterm relationship with anxiety. I took counsellingContinue reading Mental Health Awareness: My Journey with Anxiety
Ms. Marvel Episode 4 Review: Salam Karachi!
Lights, Biryani, Action! Ms. Marvel episode 4 had it all and was my kids’ most favourite episode till now. Of course, we have been loving them all and you can read my review of Ms. Marvel Episode 1 and 2 here. Ms. Marvel episode 3 stood out, because after establishing the diversity in the cast,Continue reading Ms. Marvel Episode 4 Review: Salam Karachi! →
Ms. Marvel Episode 1 and 2 Review: This is Our Moment!
Proudly sharing Ms. Marvel episode 1 and 2 review, which is a joy for the heart and a song for my soul. A Pakistani-American Muslim super hero: “A superhero who looks like me!” This is truly our moment. We watched Ms. Marvel episode 1 and 2 on Disney+, where a new episode airs every Thursday.Continue reading Ms. Marvel Episode 1 and 2 Review: This is Our Moment! →
Kamli Film Review by Ammie
I asked Ammie to do a Kamli film review, because she watched it in Pakistan and I’m still waiting for a release in Canada. So Ammie, or Bibi (as most of you know her), wrote down this review for you all. So over to Ammie (it’s in her own conversational style): Kamli film review byContinue reading Kamli Film Review by Ammie →
Tamatar Chatni: A Delicious Side with Desi Dishes
Tamatar Chatni is a great side with desi dishes such as rice, pulao, tahari and parathas. It has a savoury tangy taste. I learnt this dish from my mother-in-law who is visiting us these days. I feel recipes are a great way to learn about a family and their stories. I love learning dishes fromContinue reading Tamatar Chatni: A Delicious Side with Desi Dishes →
Nankhatai Recipe: Two Variations From My Mother-in-Law
Nankhatai is a well-loved south-asian snack. The word nankhatai is derived from the Urdu word naan meaning bread and khatai meaning biscuit. They are delicious short breads and have a really interesting of how they originated in Surat, India, by a Dutch connection. More on that later because I’m sure you want the nankhatai recipe first.Continue reading Nankhatai Recipe: Two Variations From My Mother-in-Law →
Aalo ka Bhurta Recipe: Spicy Potatoes Mix
This Aalo ka Bhurta recipe is special because of two reasons. One, because it’s one of the first dishes I learnt how to cook and secondly, because I love potatoes and any dish involving them! I will share the story later for the more patient readers. First let’s delve into the super simple recipe. Aalo kaContinue reading Aalo ka Bhurta Recipe: Spicy Potatoes Mix →
Eating and Living Healthier: How can South Asians Incorporate More Vegetables in their Diets
South Asians have a higher risk factor for type 2 diabetes which makes them more susceptible to heart disease and strokes. Let’s admit it, we are meat lovers and don’t incorporate as many vegetables in our everyday life as we could. Good nutrition and exercise are cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle for everyone, not justContinue reading Eating and Living Healthier: How can South Asians Incorporate More Vegetables in their Diets →
Aalo Ke Katliyan Recipe
Aalo ke katliyan is a dish that I fondly remember being made regularly at home while growing up in Pakistan. This week I was craving it and attempted the recipe from memory. It turned out delicious! In this blog post I’m sharing the same aalo ke katliyan recipe. Something really interesting about this simplest ofContinue reading Aalo Ke Katliyan Recipe →
New Year’s Eve Activities with Kids at Home
This year too, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be spending new year’s eve at home. This is important to stay safe, however, it can be boring for the kids. Sharing some fun ideas for new year’s eve activities with kids at home. These will make new year’s eve memorable as a family. NewContinue reading New Year’s Eve Activities with Kids at Home →