Here is a list of books to read during COVID-19 that will inspire, entertain and motivate you. Now that we have the time, there is no excuse to not pick up a great book. Apps like Scribd are offering a free month of access to their digital and audio books. While libraries are closed, IContinue reading Books to Read During COVID-19: My Recommendations
How to do Intermittent Fasting: My Experience, Tips and Resources
Intermittent fasting is an ancient method that has been around for centuries and is now making a come back! You might want to try intermittent fasting for weight-loss, weight-control or a healthier life style. Here are all my tips on how to do intermittent fasting successfully. Advantages of Intermittent Fasting I started intermittent fasting fromContinue reading How to do Intermittent Fasting: My Experience, Tips and Resources →
Pakistani Dramas to Watch With Your Kids
In this post I have compiled a list of Pakistani dramas to watch with your kids. These will help improve Urdu language skills of your children. For those who live outside of South Asia when you watch Pakistani dramas with your kids, you also introduce them to culture, traditions and family values from the region.Continue reading Pakistani Dramas to Watch With Your Kids →
Sibling Rivalry: How do I Help my Children get Along?
Sibling rivalry is an extremely sensitive topic for most families. More than anything we want our children to get along, hopefully love and definitely not kill each other. However, any family you talk to will complain about sibling rivalry: how their children constantly fight and how it’s driving them crazy. Relationships with our siblings areContinue reading Sibling Rivalry: How do I Help my Children get Along? →
Homemade Hand Sanitizer: DIY at Home and Keep Kids Busy!
This homemade hand sanitizer is easy to make at home and a great way to keep kids busy (I have more hacks for that ahead)! I do want to remind everyone that hand sanitizers do not replace hand-washing. Only use a hand sanitizer if you’re somewhere without access to soap and water. Let us knowContinue reading Homemade Hand Sanitizer: DIY at Home and Keep Kids Busy! →
Informative Shows for Kids: Making Screen Time Better!
I know there are various views on screen time for children but I’m all for screen time that is knowledgable and infromative. It gives me a little break while children learn alongside! Win win. I’m not advocating leaving your children infront of screens 24/7. Use screen time wisely and with good judgement. To help, hereContinue reading Informative Shows for Kids: Making Screen Time Better! →
Amal Unbound Review: A Lovely Story of Hope and Courage
This is the story of a 12-year-old girl living in Pakistan whose heart is full of hope and love. Read on for my detailed Amal Unbound Review.Continue reading Amal Unbound Review: A Lovely Story of Hope and Courage →
Dog Sledding in Canmore: A Great Experience With Mad Dogs & Englishmen
We had a wonderful experience of dog sledding in Canmore this weekend. Canmore is the gateway to the Canadian Rockies and this is the perfect location to enjoy an authentic experience of dog sledding with Mad Dogs & Englishmen. If you love the outdoors this experience is for you! We tried to imagine ourselves relivingContinue reading Dog Sledding in Canmore: A Great Experience With Mad Dogs & Englishmen →
Baked Chicken Nuggets Recipe
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a mother in possession of a good baked chicken nuggets recipe, will share it with other mothers! I got this amazing baked chicken nuggets recipe from Kathleen Flinn’s amazing book “The Kitchen Counter Cooking School”. The book opened my eyes in many ways and also encouraged me toContinue reading Baked Chicken Nuggets Recipe →
Five Love Languages for Couples and How to Make Them Work for You!
When we were newly-engaged and not yet married, Jaffar and I thought we would never become one of those jaded-resentful couples: the ones who make jokes about the husband-wife relationship. We had assured each other that we would be different and will cherish our relationship. However, things and life happens and we were two peopleContinue reading Five Love Languages for Couples and How to Make Them Work for You! →