Sharing lots of tips and resources to plan an Eid celebration in the classroom for your child to share the joy and spirit of Eid.Continue reading Eid Celebration in the Classroom: Tips and Resources for Parents to Plan a Memorable Session
How to Save Money on Groceries: 17 Great Tips for Families
In this post I’m sharing some great tips for families on how to save money on groceries that are practical, easy to adapt and truly work! Continue reading How to Save Money on Groceries: 17 Great Tips for Families →
Ramadan for Kids: Ideas and Resources to Make it a Fun and Memorable Month
Some ideas and resources to make this a memorable and fun ramadan for kids, so that the whole family gets in the spirit of the month.Continue reading Ramadan for Kids: Ideas and Resources to Make it a Fun and Memorable Month →
Why Nani’s House is the Best Place in the World
Visiting my Nani’s house is always one of the best part of my Pakistan trip. Sharing some of my favorite sights and sounds from my Nani’s house.Continue reading Why Nani’s House is the Best Place in the World →
Getting Your Life Back into Shape After the Winter Holidays
Winter break is almost over! Here are a few tips to get your life back into shape after the winter holidays and help you settle back into the routine.Continue reading Getting Your Life Back into Shape After the Winter Holidays →
Phupo Love: Why I Love My Phupos and Being a Phupo Myself
Let’s talk about Phupo Love today, why do Phupos get a bad name and how to improve this relationship and make Phupos cool again!Continue reading Phupo Love: Why I Love My Phupos and Being a Phupo Myself →
All Things Eid: Let’s Talk about the Biggest Celebration of the Year
Sharing Eid memories, traditions and tips to have a memorable Eid celebration with family, the biggest celebration of the Muslim calendar.Continue reading All Things Eid: Let’s Talk about the Biggest Celebration of the Year →
How to Plan a Pakistan Independence Day Party
Lots of ideas and resources on how to plan a Pakistan Independence Day Party as you plan to celebrate August 14 for Pakistan.Continue reading How to Plan a Pakistan Independence Day Party →
Five Reasons to Love Shalwars
I was extremely happy to see that Shalwars are back in fashion on my recent trip to Pakistan. Here are five reasons to love Shalwars!Continue reading Five Reasons to Love Shalwars →
Getting Ready for Ramadan: Some Tips for Success in this Blessed Month
Sharing tips and resources on getting ready for Ramadan. This includes not just preparing your body but also your mind as we welcome this month.Continue reading Getting Ready for Ramadan: Some Tips for Success in this Blessed Month →