Growing up Muslim in Pakistan, the Islamic history we learnt in school was quite limited especially for events that happened after Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H)’s death. I was born in a Shia-Muslim household though and attended majalis regularly and got regular lessons in history (from the Shia perspective) through stories and lectures. Lesley Hazleton’s “After theContinue reading Book Review: “After the Prophet” by Lesley Hazleton
Book Review of Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal: Pride and Prejudice in Pakistan
I’m a huge Jane Austen fan and naturally interested in any adaption of her works. Here is a book review of Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal, a retelling of Pride and Prejudice in Pakistan. No spoilers. The Bennets are the Binnats, Fitzwilliam Darcy is Valentine Darsee and Bingles is Fahad “Bungles” Bingla in the world SoniahContinue reading Book Review of Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal: Pride and Prejudice in Pakistan →
Invisible Influence Book Review: 6 Great Insights From the Book
Sharing the Invisible Influence book review, the amazing book by Jonah Berger that shares insights into how human behavior is shaped. Continue reading Invisible Influence Book Review: 6 Great Insights From the Book →
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: Brutally Honest, Shocking and Engaging!
A book review of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Amy Chau’s extremely popular book that was published in 2011 and gives an honest insight into parenting. Continue reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: Brutally Honest, Shocking and Engaging! →
Book Review: How to Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh
How to Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh is an inspirational guide to conquering life for entrepreneurs, creatives, or anyone who has a big dream!Continue reading Book Review: How to Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh →
Book Review and Contest: My Eid Mubarak Storybook!
A review of a great book for children to learn about the Muslim festival of Eid by Omer Naqi called My Eid MUbarak Storybook.Continue reading Book Review and Contest: My Eid Mubarak Storybook! →