Here is a list of Pakistani dramas with strong women that you will enjoy if you are sick of the ‘mazloom bechari aurat’ in our dramas.Continue reading Pakistani Dramas with Strong Female Characters
Rasmalai: An Easy Recipe by Phupo Pari
A fun and easy rasmalai recipe by phupo pari that’s super simple to make and tastes delicious! Do try it out and let me know how it turns out.Continue reading Rasmalai: An Easy Recipe by Phupo Pari →
Chapli Kebab Recipe
An easy and flavorful Chapli Kebab Recipe that can be used to freeze batches of Chapli Kebab to enjoy later or to eat fresh.Continue reading Chapli Kebab Recipe →
Children’s Reading Place: An Inspiring Magical Place by Calgary Reads
A lovely visit to Children’s Reading Place by Calgary Reads set up in a heritage house in Inglewood to inspire the joy of reading in the community.Continue reading Children’s Reading Place: An Inspiring Magical Place by Calgary Reads →
Getting Your Life Back into Shape After the Winter Holidays
Winter break is almost over! Here are a few tips to get your life back into shape after the winter holidays and help you settle back into the routine.Continue reading Getting Your Life Back into Shape After the Winter Holidays →
Phupo Love: Why I Love My Phupos and Being a Phupo Myself
Let’s talk about Phupo Love today, why do Phupos get a bad name and how to improve this relationship and make Phupos cool again!Continue reading Phupo Love: Why I Love My Phupos and Being a Phupo Myself →
11 Legit Reasons Why I’m Late
Here are 11 valid reasons why I’m late to most appointments, meetings and social events. This is a satirical piece. Dil per na lein.Continue reading 11 Legit Reasons Why I’m Late →
Top 10 Posts of 2017
Goodbye 2017! Saying farewell to the year with a compilation of the top 10 posts from 2017. Have you read them all? Wishing you a happy new year!Continue reading Top 10 Posts of 2017 →
Work-from-Home Jobs for Mothers
Sharing ideas and resources for no-sales work-from-home jobs to earn money from home and make use of your skills. Great for mothers, students and retirees.Continue reading Work-from-Home Jobs for Mothers →
Mera Sahib by Manto: A Lovely Insight into the Life of Jinnah
Mera Sahib by Manto is a lovely and unique insight into the everyday life of Quaid-e-azam Muhammad Ali JInnah who was the founder of Pakistan.Continue reading Mera Sahib by Manto: A Lovely Insight into the Life of Jinnah →