When we live away from home, parcels that arrive from family after traveling thousands of miles, carrying gifts, cards and letters are like a whiff of home and a warm hug on a cold afternoon. They are truly one of my favorite things.
Christmas Past & Present for a Pakistani-Canadian
A very Merry Christmas to all those celebrating the occasion! Today I am reflecting on Christmas in Pakistan from my past when I lived there and the one from my present now that we are in Canada. The spirit stays the same and so do my emotions as a Muslim of wishing health, happiness andContinue reading Christmas Past & Present for a Pakistani-Canadian →
Bringing Excitement into Eid for Kids
The Eid outfits are ready, you have planned to take time off for Eid Namaz and there is a big dinner planned over the weekend. You are all set for Eid, but is that exciting and memorable for your kids? Emm…not really!
Eid Memories and Traditions
I was honored to do a guest post on one of my favorite blogs! Read it here: https://ramblingsofalazymom.wordpress.com/2015/07/15/guest-post-eid-memories-by-urdumom/
Pro Tips for Amazing Eid Photographs!
Can you believe it: next weekend is Eid! (Muslim festival marking the end of the month of Ramazan). Before you know it, the big day will be here. The entire family will be dressed in their finest and you will want to take some memorable photos. But maybe the fancy camera isn’t charged, or theContinue reading Pro Tips for Amazing Eid Photographs! →