Urdu Mom Tamania Nikah pictures

My Nikah Jewelry Set Story + Nikah Pictures

When I shared my Nikah jora and jewelry set story, a lot of you requested high resolution pictures and I have finally dug them out! At our Nikah, I wore my mother-in-law’s wedding gharara and dupatta and there is a funny there which I shared in this post. The jewelry set I wore belonged originally to my dadi-saas (Jaffar’s grandmother). Ofcourse, there is a story there also. So let’s go!

The set is passed down to the eldest bahu (grand-daughter) in the family, and I was honoured to receive it at our Nikah from Jaffar’s mother, who had also received it as the eldest bahu. The set is a gorgeous vintage gold one with beautiful velvet cloth at the back. 

Our Nikah had happened six months before the Rukhsati, so after the function I headed home. After I changed, Ammie came to my room and asked me to hand over the jewelry to her for safe keeping. She counted the pieces and asked me: “Where is the Teeka?”. I was confused and repeated the same question: “Really? where is the Teeka?”.

The teeka was no where to be found and we started looking for it frantically in the piles of clothes, under the bed and around the house. Ammie declared that I was unfit for marriage (in typical desi mother over dramatic fashion) because I had lost the first heirloom jewelry set I received.

We looked at pictures in our phones and it looked like I had the teeka on till we got home. After we got exhausted from searching and praying in a loop, we decided that we should try and sleep and look again the morning. But before we could start our search in the morning, we got a call from Jaffar’s mother and she told my mother that everyone loved the set I was wearing and she is thinking of taking it to the jeweller’s and get an identical set made for her future second daughter-in-law.

We were left speechless but Ammie decided to come clean and told Jaffar’s mother what had happened. She also added her own set of duas and asked us to join her at the Jeweller’s. Ammie said that let’s get another teeka made also and my embarrassment was doubled as the whole team of jewellers zoomed at my Nikah pictures to get a clear image of the teeka.

Feeling like officially the most irresponsible new bride in all of Islamabad, we headed home. Only to be greeted by our maid who had found the teeka in my room! Oh, the joy and the relief. Thankfully this story had a happy ending and lesson for me for life!

Sharing more pictures from our Nikah below. So many elders have passed away and I would love it if you say a prayer for them.

Do you have any funny shadi stories? Would love to hear them!

Urdu Mom Tamania Nikah Pictures